Join Sonoma County's true wine club.
we are sonoma’s wine shop. 40 years sharing great wines from California.
members Receive wines from different small boutique producers, - not just one winery.
Wines are curated by Sonoma wine shop owner Bryan cooper - 20 years sourcing wines, 40 years PASSIONATE wine lover.
Receive wines based on YOUR personal preferences & budget - get wines you love.
stay connected year after year - many have stayed for over 15 years.
Still small. Still personal.
handmade wines priced right.
Harvest view wines exclusive to Sonoma wine shop.
Boutique Wines curated by proprietor Bryan Cooper, passionate advocate of California wines since 1980. We love these wines.
Out of Town? Out of State? Let us send wines picked just for you. ~ 2,500 people do!
North Bay Local? Join ~ 2,000 Sonoma County residents also belong to the wine club!
Wine club is what We do better than wineries or warehouses!
TO join, call us and we'll get your first order started.
OR, just fill out our club form and we will call to get your credit card information.
We'll be in touch and send you some nice wines soon.
Phone: 707 - 996-1230 or 707 - 827-1832
Take a Look at some of our Currently Featured WInes