Community Involvement
Our wine club believes in participation within our community. As such we support all different types of activities to encourage contact, dialog, and action.
Palm Drive Hospital
Political participation is one important way to be involved with the community. We encourage ALL political signs at the club - so members can host events, post any campaign signs, and generally promote their candidates or cause. We are not necessarily endorsing one or the other - rather we endorse and actively encourage the act of participation.
Fundraisers are regularly held at La Bodega, and we contribute to local causes.
In 2014, we again sponsored the Hemophilia chapter and helped raise $25,000.
Smaller events are held as well - the Sebastopol business group is a local networking group that meets twice a month at the club.
We sponsor the Jewish Film Festival and are hosting a special dinner in November.
Family gatherings, birthdays, holidays, and more are welcome at La Bodega.
We support ALL community particpation - PLEASE use the club to promote your cause!
Bastille Day was a great impromptu holiday dinner